Wednesday, April 22, 2009

9 to 5 and others

I know it's been way too long (almost a month) since I wrote anything here. You've probably been thinking to yourselves, "why the heck would anyone have a blog that they dont write in. Gee, that really cheeses me off!" Well you're right. I apologize. Just know that I've been very busy and needed a little break. I'll be back on the blog train soon enough once my life quiets down a little and I'll be telling you all about it. Things like, the always funny gay-marriage debate, Waiting for Godot, delicious wines for spring, and other more interesting topics that I'll think up later.

Right now though, I had to jump on and tell you that I just saw 9 to 5 the musical and really loved it. Allison Janney really brings down the house and Stephanie J. Block and Meg Hiltey are so perfect. I hope this show wins Tonys, lots and lots of Tonys. Sure, there are things that aren't perfect, but few shows are--and even in the best ones it's possible to find flaws if you're really looking for it. Well, the evening started off with a treat...the one and only Dolly Parton came out into the house and addressed the crowd for 'Administrative Professionals Day' (which I guess includes me...). So there she was, little Dolly--talk about one less thing I need to do before I die. See Dolly Parton in real life. Check! Cross it off!  Of course the night would have been perfect if I got to meet Allison Janney, but alas,  I did not. Apparently she wasn't feeling well and dodged the autographs. I have to say honestly that I was very disapointed (having driven myself to distraction all day just thinking up what I was going to say to her) but Allison, if you're reading this I want you to know that I forgive you. I know it's tough adjusting to 8 shows a week, and you've got a lot on the line here. I get it, you need to put you first. Also, you didn't know I was there, not your mistake. My forgiveness is conditional however on us hanging out sometime with a bottle of wine discussing your work and why I think you're brilliant. Sound great? Super. Give me a ring.


LMsquaredG said...

I'm interested to hear your take on the Godot running in NY with Nathan Lane and Bill Irwin, because I'm missing it, and because I want to see how it compares to the Godot I'm seeing over here in England in a week, with Sir Patrick Stewart and Sir Ian MacKellen.

Oh but yes.

CJ said...

Mind if l bring the wine and join you in your conversation with AJ? :)

parisienish said...

so what were you going to say to AJ?